12 Step Fellowship Focus: Narcotics Anonymous

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Going to rehab to be treated for addiction and alcoholism is the first step in the treatment process.  At Eden Recovery Centre we focus part of our programme on 12 step fellowship integration. NA (Narcotics Anonymous), AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and CA (Cocaine Anonymous) are some of the fellowships we recommend.  Addiction can be beaten, but it requires a life changing plan.  Part of this plan is attending meetings at 12 Step Fellowships.  Research has shown that rehab, followed by Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous etc. can produce good results.  People stay clean and sober for longer.  Eden Recovery Centre runs some 12 Step meetings on site, and once a week clients go to an external NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meeting.

In the 1930’s alcoholics started meeting to support each other to stay sober.  These meetings have supported addicts and alcoholics with great success and many people count them as the only way they managed to recover from addiction and alcoholism. The first fellowship was Alcoholics Anonymous, followed by Narcotics Anonymous in the 1950’s.  There are now over 300 registered 12 Step Programmes.  Some of these are:

AA          Alcoholics Anonymous

CA          Cocaine Anonymous

CMA      Chrystal Meth Anonymous

CoDA     Co-Dependents Anonymous

CLA        Clutterers Anonymous

DA          Debtors Anonymous

GA          Gamblers Anonymous

MA         Marijuana Anonymous

OLA        Online Gamers Anonymous

Most people have never heard of 12 step fellowships, and some regard them with suspicion.  This month we’re focusing on NA (Narcotics Anonymous).

So what is it all about?  One addict talking to another addict represents a powerful way of getting clean and staying clean.  It is an ideal peer driven community where a newly recovering addict / alcoholic is able to connect with people who are already living a clean and sober life.  Eden believes that this is a vital part of follow up, or aftercare for all of our clients.  Isolation is the enemy for addicts and meetings are a good way to break the cycle of isolation and using or drinking.

In South Africa you can find meetings in almost every town.  They are safe places for recovering people and anyone with any type of addiction can feel comfortable going to them.  Each meeting follows a format.  NA has produced literature over the years like books, pamphlets, workbooks and a daily meditation book.  Meetings focus on literature, or other general topics specific to problems experienced in recovery.

The central theme is the 12 Steps.  These steps have often been adapted for different fellowships.  The steps are a process where addicts can get well by working through each step.  NA recommends that addicts surround their recovery with the following 5 principles:

Sponsorship – this relationship develops between an older, more mature member of NA and a new member who wants to work through the steps and needs someone who has gone before him/her.  Same sex sponsorship relationships are suggested.

Service – addicts often help at meetings by setting up the room, helping with refreshments, meeting and greeting newcomers and talking about literature. Stepwork – steps 1 – 12 are worked thoroughly.

Meetings – as many meetings as possible, some believe that 90 meetings in 90 days is the right way to begin.

HP (Higher Power) – recovering addicts are encouraged to develop their own spiritual path.  Spirituality can be defined as doing the next right thing, treating others as you would like to be treated as well as other spiritual principles.  The concept, Higher Power includes people from all religious backgrounds.  This makes it possible for different faiths to be respected.

Family members and other important people

Initially 12 Step meetings will feel intrusive and it is frustrating as it may feel like your addict / alcoholic is abandoning you again after completing rehab.  Some people wonder if it is necessary to go to meetings for the rest of the addict’s life.  This is a personal choice, many people see NA as the “medicine” they need to take for the rest of their lives to maintain sobriety.  At Eden we understand this, so all our family members are encouraged to continue attending our family support meetings.

It will help you to find an open NA meeting in your area and attend to find out for yourself.  There is also a family support group for NA, NARANON (NAR stands for Narcotics, Anon stands for Anonymous).  Naranon sometimes holds meetings at the same time as NA meetings.  This is great if you want to attend Naranon whilst your loved one attends his/her NA meeting.

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