At Eden Rehabilitation Centre we believe that there are numerous factors that could possibly contribute to teen drug abuse–some of which turn into a life-long habit. But what are these risk factors and how can we combat drug use at an early age?
Lack of Parent to Child Communication
Teen drug abuse could possibly be reduced if parents set aside more time to talk to their children about the dangers and consequences associated with drug and alcohol abuse. If parents alert teens of the risks, there is a possibility that more would avoid substance abuse altogether.
Teens who think their parents don’t care are also more likely to pick up bad habits and land up in recovery later on in life. Talk to your teen on a regular basis about their day, friends, school and other relevant topics. Parents who are there for their teens when they get home from school or after a night out with friends are more likely to have children who don’t abuse drugs and alcohol. If a teen knows there is a “check point” at home, they will be more likely to stay away from drugs and alcohol for fear of getting in trouble.
Tip: The use of statistical data can be very helpful in keeping your kids informed. Encourage them to read books on real–life addiction stories and rehabilitation centres or get online and show them the hard hitting facts.
Trying to Fit In at School
While drugs and alcohol are prohibited at school, teens always find their way around it. If the cool kids at school are doing it, odds are your child might experimenting to fit in. Talk to your kids about their friends and who they are hanging out with when at school.
Unsupervised Accessibility
Do you keep alcohol at home? Is it possible that your child could steal from your stash when you are not in the home? If you answered yes, then you are exposing yourself to legal liability. This not only applies to alcohol, but other drugs, cigarettes and prescriptions found in most households.
Keep prescriptions, alcohol, cigarette and other harmful substances in a locked cabinet or drawer. Make sure your child understands that taking or using any of the prohibited substances is not acceptable.
Tip: To make certain teens are not stealing, regularly check levels of all substances. Use a marker to draw a line on a bottle, or count the number of pills in your container.
Encourage a sporty and outdoor lifestyle.
More teens are being left in the home while mom, dad or other adults are at work. Teens who are left along for long periods of time or who are allowed to come and go as they please will undoubtedly have greater opportunity for exposure to drugs.
Rather encourage your teens to get involved in extramural activities such as academics or sports (Swimming, rugby, tennis, athletics etc) When they are investing their free time in valuable activities, they will strengthen their individuality, team work abilities and self-esteem and decrease their need to fit in on a social party level.
Tip: Ask your teen what sport they would love to get involved in. Inspire them through YouTube videos or new piece of equipment to grow their passion.
If you are concerned about your child and whether they may be experimenting with drugs and alcohol – please contact us. For information on Eden Recovery Centre’s Treatment Programmes and advice, please feel free to contact the Eden Recovery Centre. You can depend on full discretion.