Signs of Drug Addiction
Drug addiction comes in many disguises some of which are easily recognized such as the cocaine addict who has massive mood swings and always seems to be on edge or the heroin addict with needle track marks up and down his arms. On the other side of the coin are those addicts that we see every day, but have no idea that they are addicted to prescription drugs like anti-depressants, pain killers and so on. No matter which side of the addiction cycle you are looking at these people need help.
Most people tend to assume that the person who has the drug addiction problem is the only victim of their poor choice. In reality this is definitely not the case as their addiction will eventually affect their family and friends to some degree. In the beginning stages of a person’s addiction the effects on others are minimal and in most cases go unnoticed.
At this point the addict truly is the only victim as they have done little to actually harm anyone.
As their drug addiction begins to become more acute the person may end up stealing from others to support their habits or become violent when they do not have access to their drug of choice. Many addicts will also turn to crime to support their habits created a long list of collateral victims who have most likely never had anything to do with any type of addiction.
When things get to this stage, it is past time someone stepped up and helped them get the help that they need. In the case of most people with a drug addiction an intervention is the only way that they are likely to get the help they need. Because the majority of addicts do not think that they actually have a problem, they are not going to go willingly into any kind of rehabilitation programme unless they are ordered into one by the courts. An intervention requires a member or members of their immediate family to commit the addict into a residential treatment facility where they can get the care they need.
The goal of a drug addiction treatment programme is to help the person with the drug addiction go through a complete detoxification cycle that will give them time to get the drug they have been addicted to for what can amount to years out of their systems. It is only after this has been allowed to occur that a comprehensive reeducation programme that is designed to teach them how to live without the drugs that have been destroying their lives.
If you have a loved one that has been living with a drug addiction for a part of their lives it is time you took things into your own hands and intervened by committing to the care of Eden Recovery. Here they will have a chance to let their bodies heal and recover from years of drug abuse. Once they have finished the detoxification period, they will be able to work with the staff therapists and start on the long road back to living a healthy and sober life.