Eden Recovery Centre explains the emotional hangovers (feelings) that sometimes follow a night of heavy drinking.
At Eden Recovery Centre we like to educate our guests on emotional hangovers. Some people experience uncharacteristic sadness and/or anxiety upon waking after a night of heavy drinking. The emotional aspect of such a hangover consists of the typical symptoms of depression: sadness, crying, lethargy, fatigue, anxiety, feeling like a failure, fears about the future. Here Eden Recovery Centre outlines the reasons for emotional hangovers.
Hormonal Imbalance
Eden Rehabilitation centre explains that alcohol consumption literally kills brain cells is an antiquated assertion. Drinking in excess will throw off your body’s natural rhythm as it rushes to cope with the sudden intoxication. Drinking to intoxication is the cause of typical hangover symptoms. This results in temporary symptoms of depression and an emotional hangover.
Blood Sugar Levels and Dehydration
Alcohol is little more than a heavily processed sugar that your body has to break down in many different ways, says Eden Recovery Centre. This puts an immense strain on the pancreas and can cause a severe insulin spike. This will leave you with abnormally low blood sugar levels the next morning. Alcohol also promotes excessive urination and vomiting which can contribute to severe dehydration. Low blood sugar and dehydration will have a significant impact on your mood, more often than not, resulting in an emotional hangover.
Getting Proper Sleep
When you binge drink, your sleep is disrupted. People who “black out” as a result of binge drinking are not getting proper sleep explains Eden Recovery Centre. This plays a major role in emotional hangovers and dampening your mood the morning after. A nap later in the day will be just what you need to help you reverse the negative impact your over-indulgence had on your sleep.
The Social Aspect
A significant contributing factor to an emotional hangover is concern about your behavior the night before. These fears can be augmented by a fuzzy memory. Our social interactions have a major impact on our mood and it has been proven that a strong social network is one of the strongest defences against mental disorders like depression. Any perceived damage to this social network on your part as a result of intoxication is certainly a legitimate concern.
Of course, the best remedy for emotional hangovers is to abstain. Aside from the emotional duress, getting hangovers is just plain unhealthy. If you are concerned about your drinking or seeking advice on treatment options, contact Eden Recovery Centre.