Is it time for an intervention?

At Eden Recovery Centre we believe an intervention can motivate someone to seek help for alcohol or drug abuse, compulsive eating, or other addictive behaviours. We also know that it’s challenging to help a loved one struggling with any type of addiction. Sometimes a direct, heart-to-heart conversation can start the road to recovery. But when it comes to addiction, the person with the problem often struggles to see it and acknowledge it. A more focused approach is often needed. You may need to join forces with other concerned family members or friends and take action through a formal intervention. That’s because people who struggle with addiction are often in denial about their situation and unwilling to seek recovery or treatment. They may not recognize the negative effects their behaviour has on themselves and others.

So how does a typical intervention work?

  1. Make a plan.A family member or friend proposes an intervention and forms a planning group. It’s best if you consult with a qualified professional counsellor, addiction specialist, psychologist, mental health counsellor, social worker or rehabilitation Centre such as Eden Recovery Centre – to help you organise an effective intervention. An intervention is a highly charged situation with the potential to cause anger, resentment or a sense of betrayal.
  2. Gather information.The group members find out about the extent of the loved one’s problem and research the condition and treatment programmes which Eden Recovery Centre is happy to help you with. The group may initiate arrangements to enrol the loved one in a specific treatment program.
  3. Form the intervention team.The planning group forms a team that will personally participate in the intervention. Team members set a date and location and work together to present a consistent, rehearsed message and a structured plan. Often, nonfamily members of the team help keep the discussion focused on the facts of the problem and shared solutions rather than strong emotional responses. Do not let your loved one know what you are doing until the day of the intervention.
  4. Decide on specific consequences.If your loved one doesn’t accept treatment, each person on the team needs to decide what action he or she will take. Examples include asking your loved one to move out or taking away contact with children.
  5. Make notes on what to say.Each member of the intervention team describes specific incidents where the addiction caused problems, such as emotional or financial issues. Discuss the toll of your loved one’s behaviour while still expressing care and the expectation that your loved one can change. Your loved one can’t argue with facts or with your emotional response to the problem. For example begin by saying “I was upset and hurt when you drank…”
  6. Hold the intervention meeting.Without revealing the reason, the loved one is asked to the intervention site. Members of the core team then take turns expressing their concerns and feelings. The loved one is presented with a treatment option from a rehabilitation centre and asked to accept that option on the spot. Each team member will say what specific changes he or she will make if the addicted person doesn’t accept the plan. Do not threaten a consequence unless you are ready to follow through with it.
  7. Follow up.Involving a spouse, family members or others is critical to help someone with an addiction stay in recovery and avoid relapsing. This can include changing patterns of everyday living to make it easier to avoid destructive behaviour, offering to participate in counselling with your loved one, seeking your own therapist and recovery support, and knowing what to do if relapse occurs.

A successful intervention must be planned carefully to work as intended. A poorly planned intervention can worsen the situation — your loved one may feel attacked and become isolated or more resistant to treatment. For information on Eden Recovery Centre’s Treatment Programmes which may help with structuring your intervention and aiding your loved on the road to recovery, please contact the Eden Recovery Centre. You can depend on full discretion.

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